Thursday, August 9, 2007

What is right is not always popular...

"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same" ~ The Fray

Sometimes we need to do things that aren't what we really want to do, but we know that we have to do them. We do this because we know that in the long run, it will be better. There will be less hurt and heartbreak and good will be preserved.

But that doesn't make those decisions any easier.

I got to hang out with Adrianne tonight, which was great. It's been a while since we've had a hot tub discussion, so we were due for another one. :) It's great to see how even though we're growing up now and facing different things, deep down, we're still the same. There are some things that will never change.

I also watched "The Bourne Supremacy" with my parents. We're getting ready to see "Ultimatum" on Friday!!! Major excitement. Then on Saturday we're going to the boat and on Sunday I'm singing at church after work. I'm a little nervous, but I think it will be fun. Worship practice is tomorrow night, so pray for me if you think about it!

Time now for sleep...

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