Monday, February 23, 2009

Irrational Exuberance

Apparently I have been out of the loop in terms of keeping up with other Web-savvy people. I had never heard of the Vlogbrothers until two weeks ago. The Vlogbrothers are John and Hank Green, two guys who set out in 2007 to communicate without text for an entire year ... that means: no IM, no email, and definitely no blogging. What was left? Well, the phone, and YouTube! John and Hank decided to post a YouTube video to one another on their own YouTube channel for an entire year. Somewhere around June or July 2007 they became insanely popular and have continued to post these videos, even though the challenge is over.

I happened upon them due to a podcast that I listen to. This was the first video that I watched of theirs, about the new economic stimulus bill. Regardless of how you feel about the bill, the video is definitely worth watching. My favorite quote, as suggested in the title of this blog, is "...irrational exuberance, which is my favorite kind of exuberance!"

*Note* apparently the video goes into periods of not working for a time. I have observed this happening, too, and have noticed that it usually resets itself within an hour or so. :)