Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas break fun!

Grades are in...and I'm pretty stoked. :) Looks like my teachers liked my term papers and the TFC articles. It seems like most of my senior friends had similar experiences with getting better grades as an upperclassmen. I guess you get better as it as you go along. The moral of the story is that I'm so glad that I worked really hard this term. It definitely paid off! It makes me feel less nervous about grad school and I'm fairly confident now that everything I am sending in makes me look like a really good candidate. I've finally finished my essay, so I should be able to send everything in today or tomorrow, and then I just have to wait until April.

I've been at Georgetown for the past two days visiting with Caelah while she's been finishing up her finals. Her roommates are really sweet and it's been fun to chill in a college dorm again. We went and got Ben and Jerrys last night (which kept me up for hours) and I felt really nostalgic for freshman year, going to the Co-op with Rachel and Christine for ice cream runs around 10:00. Good times. :)

Jesse and I played squash yesterday at the gym. Neither of us are particularly good, but we had so much fun. We didn't keep score and just rallied back and forth, switching the serve when we would have otherwise. It was a good way to get the essentials of the rules down and to practice hitting good shots and returning them. We also went to Jana's apartment on Monday night for a party she was hosting and to meet some of her grad school friends.

So, all in all, I'm having a relaxing and rewarding break. I think it might be time to give back to it and do a little more writing than I've been getting done. ;) Perhaps "Something Brilliant" and "Heart of Gold" chapter 12 will be finished this week! That would be brilliant. ;)

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