Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Stuff Christians Like

Okay, so Bobby was the one who referred me to this site, through his blog, but I just can't resist not including the link to it here, too.  For your reading pleasure, here is a link to Stuff Christians Like, a blog about, well, stuff that Christians like.  For example, Frisbee is God's favorite sport.  And goldfish crackers are His favorite food.  There is also a score sheet for the metrosexual scale of worship leaders (the blog author scored a 35), a score sheet for the effectiveness of your prayers based on people's reactions to them, the fact that Christians never sing all the verses of hymns (unless you're Methodist, Anglican, or Presbyterian ... yay for British denominations), a ton of entries about Vacation Bible School (VBS), and PowerPoint as a worship tool.

Basically, it's a sarcastic, satirical blog that is noting absurd trends in modern Christianity.  And it's also pointing people to the truth of the gospel, God, and Jesus.

And it's just plain funny!

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