Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Letter from an Oppressed Minority

In light of the fact that I am on break, I decided to make a more light-hearted post than what I've been writing recently.  Sorry about that.  :)  If you look over at my "Perspectives" blog links, you'll see that the first one is a woman by the name of Anne Kennedy.  She is an ordained Anglican and her blog is great, but her husband, Rev. Matt Kennedy, has written something that I think is just brilliant.  He is a regular contributor to Stand Firm (can also be linked to in the "Perspectives" section) and he wrote this about a year ago.

*DO NOTE* this is a parody.  It's Matt's response to current issues being debated in the Anglican Communion, which you would have to live under a rock to not hear about.  So, he's not being serious.  Just want to make that clear.

My favorite line:
"Jesus spoke from within a primitive culture.  Had he known then what we know today, his opinion would undoubtably more closely resemble by own."

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